I love sharing healthy, simple, crockpot recipes with clients. This one is, hands down, everyones favorite! So crazy easy, but so amazingly delicious!!!
For 4 + servings you will need:
- 3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts(I like organic free-range)
- 1 24 oz jar picante sauce (I like Pace & it’s all natural)
- Romaine lettuce wraps
- Diced tomatoes
- Wash the chicken & place in crockpot -Cover with the entire jar of picante sauce -Cook on low for 6-8 hours That’s seriously it! Serve in lettuce wraps. I like to add some diced tomatoes & if you’re really feeling like living on the edge, some shredded Mexican cheese! 😉 Enjoy!
Recipe From CrossFit Peachtree